A fifteen minute production of Rilke's Third Duino Elegy, using live manipulation of overhead projection.

Observe: a season does not contain
our whole lifetime, as with a lilac.
When we love, a slower sap,
thicker than centuries,
courses through our embrace.
O my love, consider: the child
we would fain conceive was never
an individual but a multitude,
the personification of the fathers
lying in our depths like mountains
leveled to the lowest summits; like
the barren riverbeds of mothers past-
the entire soundless panorama,
whether cloudy or clear,
of mutual destiny.
Before you,
sweet lover,
this was...
— THE THIRD DUINO ELEGY by Rainer Maria Rilke

Directed by Gabriella Rhodeen

Design/Live Projection by Dallas Wexler

New Works Festival,  2010